
Pet Portraits by Commission – Pencil Drawings from Photos

Flat Coated Retriever Pencil Portrait

This portrait was very special and of course, one of my favourite breeds to portray are Flat Coated Retrievers. It was commissioned by a returning client called Mandy, along with a group of friends who I have also completed portraits for of their Flatcoats too. I hope you enjoy reading about the commission!

Flat Coated Retriever Pet Portraits
Reference photo

About the Commission of Fritzie vom Wildförstersee

Mandy Romeo-Dieste, a previous client, asked in 2013 if I would be able to complete a 20 x 16 pencil montage pet portrait of a stunning Flat Coated Retriever for her friend’s birthday. A group of girls collectively commissioned the portrait for Victoria.

The Flatcoat in question was called Fritzie vom Wildförstersee, or 'Frog' for short. Frog went for her first visit to Crufts in 2013 and won Best Bitch. Mandy emailed me lots of lovely photos of Frog and together we designed a montage and also found a photo of a frog with a crown on for the top left corner of the drawing.

The portrait was presented to Anna, the recipient, in Germany on her birthday, and Gill (another previous client) very kindly took a video of Anna opening the portrait, which you can watch below. I don't think there was a dry eye in the house! There is also a lovely photo of Anna holding her portrait too. What a wonderful commission – I have been so very honoured to be able to portray Frog for Anna, and I hope that she enjoys it for many, many years to come.

Flat Coated Retriever Pet Portraits Happy Client

Happy Clients...

"Thank you so much Melanie for this outstanding work. As you might have noticed from the video, I was overwhelmed! Now I have to find the perfect spot for it and might have to rearrange my living room ;-)"

- Anna

"Oh that made me cry too!"

- Gemma Jacobs

"Thank you Melanie for the amazing Frog portrait."

- Mandy Romeo-Dieste

"Thank you for filming Gill Smitherman."

- Siri Johansen

"Thank you Melanie, it's amazing!"

- Melanie Tukker

Flat Coated Retriever Pencil Portrait

I hope that you have enjoyed viewing my Flat Coated Retriever pencil portrait. My pencil montages are fantastic for showing many different aspects of your dog. In this instance, the portrait of Frog features a full-body show pose study in the center with four other sketches around the outside. This really helps to show all of the characteristics of your dog. If you have a Flat Coated Retriever and would like a portrait similar to this, email me your photos via my contact page.

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