Horse Portraits

The horse portrait of Jenkins was a wonderful commission to complete. Working with Jo, knowing that Jenkins was such a special horse, made it all the more important. Read about Jo, her father and Jenkins below.

Retired Police Horse Pet Portraits

About the Horse Portrait Commission of Jenkins

Pencil portraits reference photos

Jo Greenland contacted me in 2014 looking to commission her fathers retired police horse called Jenkins. He was a much loved and cherished horse and Jo told me when sending her photos for the portrait ...

"I know you must see some stunning horse's but that's what Mr Jenkins is to me, he is a retired police horse and a true gent, he was the last horse my Dad rode at the age of 82 before his sudden death three months later. Dad was in the mounted police for 32 years and taught me to ride".

With this in mind, I knew I had to do Jenkins proud and put all of my effort into creating a truly stunning portrait for Jo and her family of such a special horse. I created the portrait at 20 x 16 size in graphite pencil. The portrait was framed in a beautiful pine frame which worked so well for Jenkins.

If you have a horse similar to Jenkins and would like a horse portrait of them, you are more than welcome to contact me at any time.

Client Feedback

Hi Melanie,
That is amazing! Shame about my plaiting skills! I knew you were good but wow! Can you put his name on there too? I am so delighted and feel very privileged.
Hope you are doing ok with this horrid weather, thanks again

The Horse Portrait framed

The photos below show the portrait all framed with an engraved plaque ready to send to Jo.

Retired Police Horse Framed Portraits
horse portrait on the mini easel
Horse Portraits

Are you looking to have a horse portrait for yourself, or perhaps your friends and family as a gift? I am more than happy to work with you on a drawing that you will treasure for a lifetime. bring back all of the wonderful memories to view every day of your special and loved horse. You can email me your photos at any time.


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