Welcome to my spaniel pencil portrait of Brodie, which is a true favorite of mine. I thoroughly enjoyed drawing him, and you can see a wonderful photo taken by my client of the portrait with the recipient and Brodie too. I am always truly honored to be able to showcase these moments. I hope you enjoy reading about Brodie’s commission below.
I took a few photos of the portrait with my pencils to give a sense of scale, which you can see below. It also shows the portrait up close. The 16 x 12-inch size was perfect for Brodie, a really lovely size for Spaniels.
Sandra contacted me via email in 2018 to ask if I could draw their family dog, Brodie, as a gift for her husband. She requested a 16 x 12-inch unframed pencil drawing, as they had a local framer they used regularly.
Sandra had taken a wonderful photo of Brodie outdoors in a field, which was perfect for the drawing.
Photos taken outside on a bright day really help when capturing a dark-colored dog—especially one with lots of curls like Brodie. Camera lenses, particularly those on mobile phones, struggle in low light and can result in slightly out-of-focus images due to the longer exposure time required to let in more light.
Sandra was absolutely delighted with the portrait of Brodie. You can read her lovely testimonial below, along with a wonderful photo of her husband, Dave, with the portrait—and of course, Brodie too!
"Hello Melanie,
I hope you are both well and keeping busy in the studio. We finally got Brodie framed, and we are delighted with the finished piece. We chose a darker frame with a touch of gold, which looks really lovely with the pencil drawing. It truly looks beautiful on the wall, and your work has been admired by all our visitors.
My husband really loves the picture and is amazed at how you have captured Brodie’s likeness from the photo. Thank you again for all your help and advice.
Kind regards,
Sandra, Dave & Brodie"
If you have a Spaniel similar to Brodie that you would like me to draw, either for yourself or as a gift for a family member, why not email me your photos? I would love to work with you on a portrait! If you are looking to give the drawing as a gift for a special occasion, please let me know as soon as possible to secure a spot in my commissions schedule.