Pencil Dog Pet Portraits

Welcome to my pencil pet portrait of Daisy for client Mary based in the USA! Daisy is quite the famous dog as she once appeared on a Borders Calendar, in fact the photo I used to draw her portrait was the same photo in the calendar. Scroll to read about the commission and see photos of the portrait framed.

Pencil Pet Portraits

The Pet Portrait in Pencil

Before framing I took a photo of my drawing with my pencils to enable viewers to see it more clearly. Bring quite a large drawing at 20 x 16 it enabled me to add lots of lovely detail in Daisy face.

Pencil Pet Portraits

About the Dog Portrait Commission of Daisy

Reference photo

Mary Jones, USA contact me in 2015 to commission a portrait drawn of her daughters dog called Daisy as a surprise gift. Mary ordered a 20 x 16 portrait as she wanted to to match another painting they had in their home which was displayed in an easel.

Mary sent me a number of photos of Daisy on CD, via Fedex. it doesn’t seem possible how quickly technology moves on as I don’t even have a CD Rom drive any longer and instead we all use uploading storage sites like DropBox to share large files! Upon looking through them I picked out one that really stood out for me that would work beautifully for a portrait. Luckily it was Mary's favourite photo too!

Daisy was such a lovely dog to draw, I enjoyed every minute of it. Mary emailed me some beautiful photos of when Daisy was framed - they are fabulous! You can also read some testimonials below from Mary and also read what the framer said about the portrait when he framed it too!

Client Feedback

Hi Melanie,
It's fabulous! Don't know what to say. Tonya will be in tears over this. You captured Daisy with a beautiful likeness. Couldn't be happier. Will recommend you.
Thank you so much.

BREATHTAKING!  Didn't go into office until today.  The gentleman at the framing shop couldn't stop looking and bragging about your work.  You are a very talented woman.  Left one of your cards with them.  I couldn't be more pleased, your work is superb. Once again thank you, couldn't be more pleased. Hope to use your wonderful talent again.

The Dog Portrait Framed

Mary has other pieces of artwork framed and displayed on easels in her home, so Daisy portrait was framed and displayed to match. Mary’s daughter was delighted with the portrait and you can see a couple of photos below, one with the light on and one more naturally without.

Pencil Pet Portraits
Pencil Pet Portraits


Pencil Dog Pet Portraits

If you are looking for an artists to create a pencil drawing of your dog, I would be delighted to work with you. Why not visit my contact page. Let me know your ideas for your drawing, send photos and I look forward to working with you soon!


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