
Pet Portraits by Commission – Pencil Drawings from Photos

Client 2

"Hi Melanie! Just wanted to send a few pictures of Memphis and the beautiful portrait of her you did. Our friends loved the gift and kept talking about how talented you are. My husband and I have three dogs ourselves and are already talking about getting portraits of them. Thanks again for everything! "

- Amber
Client 3

"Hi Melanie, Thanks, just to say I really like the picture. Particularly now I can see it up close for the first time, the detail is absolutely beautiful. Sent a couple more pictures. I’be swapped a couple of other paintings round which I think works better - and struggled a bit to get rid of all the reflections everywhere! Thanks, "

- Will Potten
Client 2

"Hi Melanie, Finally have Belle framed. I like to keep pencils simple, and loved the natural wood of this frame. The pictures don’t do it justice, the wood is warm colored and matches the tone of the pencil perfectly."

- Stephany
Client 3

"Hi Melanie, Thanks, just to say I really like the picture. Particularly now I can see it up close for the first time, the detail is absolutely beautiful. Sent a couple more pictures. I’ve swapped a couple of other paintings round which I think works better - and struggled a bit to get rid of all the reflections everywhere! Thanks, "

- Will
Client 2

"Hi Melanie, What can I say? You are truly gifted! Your drawing needs no tweeking and we love it.The sage mount and frame complement your beautiful drawing perfectly. I hope you are as delighted as we are.
Best wishes to you and Nicholas,"

- Kirstie
Client 3

"Melanie! Oh My Goodness, Marisa loved the Vera collage so very much! She loves it, she has been showing anyone who comes to the house. Honestly... it is perfect. Thank you SO much for your great work, and of course for working with me again.
Thanks again so much. We both love it, and appreciate your talents so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Client 2

"Hi Melanie, Samantha was stunned, in awe, absolutely loves it. Took a photo and shared with the TriPawds group she is a member of immediately. It was late when she got home but I did the big reveal, had it covered with paper taped to the wall, stood her in front of it then removed the paper for maximum effect. It is PERFECT. Thank you. "

- Russell
Client 3

"Melanie! Marisa was SO surprised and THRILLED with her drawing of Blue! She agrees that it captures him brilliantly! Please know how very much your work is appreciated. She was showing snapshots of the drawing to family all day yesterday, it was amazing seeing their reactions. "Oh those eyes," "wow even the flash on his nose". You have an amazing gift. Thank you for sharing it with us. Best wishes"

Client 2

"Thank you, we are really pleased with them. We have finally finished the desk unit with the pictures being centre of attention! Very best wishes. x x "

- Helen
Client 3

"Hi Melanie, Brodie arrived safely this afternoon. Dave is absolutely delighted with the picture. it’s amazing how you have captured such a likeness. Thank you for all your help and it has been a pleasure working with you to produce such a lovely Birthday present. Kind regards to all."

- Sandra, Dave and Brodie
Client 2

"Zip's portrait arrived this past Monday and I just got it back form the frame shop this morning. Thank you again for your efforts and beautiful work. "

- Craig Stoelk
Client 3

"Hi Melanie, Annabel absolutely loves her present!I will send a pic of her opening it the day after we got married, thanks again for all your hard work! X"

- Mr and Mrs Archer
Client 2

"So excited to see Cherokee's portrait. Will give it to Caroline on Xmas day. Thank you again. I am in awe of your and Nicholas’s talent. You are both so gifted and create wonderful portraits of people beloved pets.A big hug for you and little Lily. X"

- Pauline
Client 3

"Hi Melanie,Both my husband and I are very very pleased with the portrait. It looks amazing. Thank You again for everything it has been well worth the wait xx "

- Nicola
Client 2

"Dear Melanie, We have had the portrait framed and hung. Here is a picture of it with Rusty. Thanks so much. Best, "

- Verity
Client 3

"HI Melanie,
We finally picked the portrait up today and it now has pride of place in our lounge. Thank you again, Kind Regards"

- Nicola Marchant
Client 2

"Thank you so much for your fabulous drawing of Mike. Last night I was thinking how much I miss him and this morning your drawing arrives. You have done a great job. Regards "

- Barry
Client 3

"I love it, it looks beautiful!"

- Jennifer
Client 2

"Dear Melanie, Oh I love it. Thank you so much for Emrik’s portrait. It arrived yesterday afternoon. ( Beautifully wrapped). It is lovely."

- Jacqueline Pentelow
Client 3

"Hi Melanie,
Oh my goodness, my mom and sister are going to LOVE them. I'll try to get their reaction for you on Christmas day. "

- Marcella and Charlie
Client 2

"My sister had been trying to get a pic of Rooney sitting by his framed portrait but he had the zoomies and wouldn't sit still! I posted the portrait on the Facebook groups. Everyone loves him!"

- Marcella
Client 3

"It is absolutely beautiful and I am bereft of words to tell you how much this means to us. Jillian was all tears and it just feels like Dodge just walked in through our doors. All the emotions and memories came flooding back. Thank you and Nicholas for such a tremendous job. You have both been blessed with Gods Grace and your gift brings such meaning and joy and love into peoples lives. Thank you, thank you, thankyou. We are so grateful."

- Thaddeus
Client 2

"Hi Melanie, She's so happy.... Hollie is in the living room above the TV looking over at the front door which is what she used to do, just waiting for someone to walk past for her to bark at! Haha :D Typicanl Tibetan Terrier!"

- Caroline
Client 3

"Hi Melanie,
My mother just received the portrait. She LOVES IT! It’s amazing — she can’t stop talking about it. And your card was so thoughtful Melanie! Thank you again!!"

- Josie
Client 2

"View the portrait of Max, along with photos and testimonials on his page - Cat Pet Portraits "

- Max
Client 3

"Hi Melanie, We have had Penny framed. We chose an antique pewter frame with a double mount. We introduced a coloured mount (olive green) to compliment her eyes, as suggested by our framer. We think it really offsets your drawing and hope you like it too. Many thanks again. xx"

- Jeanette
Client 2

"At last we visit our son and see the drawing of Mango taking pride of place on his wall. "

- Sylvia
Client 3

"View the portrait of Stanley and Jarvis on their page - Dog Pet Portraits>>"

- Becky
Client 2

"View Teasels Portrait and the lovely testimonial from Paula on Teasels page in my Pencil Portraits Gallery >>"

- Paula
Client 2

"Hi Melanie, Thanks so much for the portrait. I've attached some pictures of it framed up with old fence posts. I reckon it's spot on! Thanks again.Cheers, "

- Rob
Client 3

"Both Sara and I would love to thank you for the wonderful piece of artwork you have created capturing the beauty and souls of each Punky Bear and Sasha. The talent you possess is unbelievable, and the completed portrait is more than we could have ever asked for. Also, I want to thank you for your professionalism, quick responses to questions I had, as well as making this process enjoyable and so very rewarding. From Nashville, TN over the Atlantic to you, Sara, Sasha, Bear, Punky, and myself want to send you and your family much gratitude and appreciation for your hard work on this large project."

- Stephen and Sara Humes and the 3 pups who send some slurps your way!
Client 3

"Your masterpiece arrived and I can’t tell you how thrilled I am with your work Melanie. Your work is second to NONE!!! You captured each of the dogs beautifully and I just know my friend is going to be left speechless. Patti, is a very dear friend of mine who has done so much for me during our friendship. I felt I could never reciprocate properly to her all she’s done for me but now I know I’ve given her something she will love and cherish for a lifetime. I can’t wait for her to see your work.
Melanie, you are a very gifted artist and I must also compliment your packing and your presentation box. Have a wonderfully happy holiday season Melanie and again thank you so very much. Your website is beautiful and draws the viewer in by the stunning work you display in it. It caught my eye right away and I knew YOU were the artist I wanted to do my work. One of the wisest decisions I’ve ever made. I’m sending you a huge hug of thanks and good will. Xoxo"

- Georgia
Client 2

"Thank you so much for this outstanding work. I was overwhelmed! Now I have to find the perfect spot for it and might have to rearrange my living room ;-) "

- Anna
Client 3

"its fair to say there were tears as expected...and may I say beautifully wrapped ! .....You have made this a great experience at a sensitive time thank you x"

- Phil Purssey
Client 2

"We are delighted with the wonderful drawing you have done of Tosca and cannot wait to hang it next to the one of Monty.Many thanks and we will be in touch once she safely arrives here. Best wishes x"

Client 3

"I am absolutely delighted with the portrait, Melanie! Nina (Norway)"

- Nina
Client 2

"Hi Melanie, I have Zeke's portrait in the kitchen with me. It gives me comfort knowing he is with me.
I am grateful for the portrait and I really wanted you to know that. Thank you, "

- Manuela
Client 3

"Melanie, I gave the portrait to Erika the day before our Anniversary. We were sitting drinking some wine and it seemed like a good time. She was very surprised. She really loves it. Erika wanted me to tell you that she was struggling to keep her eyes open because of the sun. That’s why she doesn’t look happier in the photos!Thank you again."

- Kevin
Client 2

"View Olivia's portrait and read the lovely the testimonial on Cassanova's page here Horse Portraits Gallery >>"

- Olivia
Client 3

"I received many testimonials from Jungi and Daisy's owners, take a look at the portraits page here to read them >>"

- Angela
Client 2

"Dear Melanie, The picture looks absolutely beautiful, and I see what you mean about the frame which sets the picture of perfectly. I couldn't be more pleased, you’ve done an amazing work and captured her expression extremely well. Once again many thanks and I will highly recommend you to any one else who is interested in having their pet portrait done. Take care and stay safe, Best wishes xx"

- Cheryl Adams
Client 3

"I love it and I am sure that my husband will love it as well! I can’t wait to present this to him on his special day.Thanks so much for your beautiful work. Still miss her so much and this really honors her gentle spirit.
Hello Melanie, Jamie was very touched by the gift and your careful attention to detail. He couldn’t be happier which makes me happy too!Here are a couple of images of the framed art work. Sorry for the glare and reflection in the glass.Thanks again and Take Care!"

- Cathi
Client 2

"Read a wonderful
testimonial from
Tony and Bilbo on
Bilbo's Pencil Portrait Webpage >>"

- Karen
Client 3

"Hi Melanie, The picture is a perfect likeness of Bea and also a beautiful drawing in its own right.. Charles loves his present and we can't wait to hang the drawing. All the best, "

- Elizabeth
Client 2

"Karen, a returning client, sent the most lovely testimonial about Charles. Read more here - Horse Pencil Portraits >>"

- Karen
Client 3

"Melanie, Thank you for the lovely portrait of my boys. I miss Rooney every day and you perfectly captured a special moment between them. ❤️ Sincerely"

- Eva De Laurentiis
Client 3

"Craig emailed me a number emails through the process, take a look at Kirby's page - Retriever Pencil Pet Portraits >>"

- Craig
Client 3

"Read the testimonial from my client Nick about Baxter’s pet portrait in my gallery - Cat Pet Portraits >>"

- Nick
Client 2

"I can’t describe the emotions that came over my wife and I. Incredible and thank your husband as well, you are truly an amazing artist Thank you  for the art work of Sam. We received them today and brought tears to our eyes. Thank you for everything"

- Michael Malta
Client 3

"Melanie, Thank you so much for this outstanding work. I was overwhelmed ;-)"

- Kristie
Client 2

"Hi Melanie!
We received the drawing of Brooklyn and Emma!!!!! It looks exactly like them....My husband loved it and made me take it to get it framed immediately so "nothing would happen to it!" It was delivered on Wednesday of this week and I apologize for not letting you know sooner that we got it!!! We love it, thank you so much!!!I will definitely take a picture of it with Brooklyn and Emma and send it to you as soon as the frame is completed!!"

- Jennifer Bates
Client 2

"Hi Melanie, Slightly belated response as it has taken a few days to get hold of the photos. The pencil drawing went down brilliantly. Jane Barrie was really thrilled – and had no idea something like this was on its way to her. I am attaching a picture of the presentation – although the picture was bubble wrapped, so you can’t see it terribly well.Thanks for all your help."

- Alannah
Client 2

"Read the Testimonials from Daisy's owner on her webpage here - Daisy's Pencil Pet Portrait >>"

- Pat
Client 3

"Lizabeth is a returning client. View a few of her portraits in my gallery including Holden here - Pencil Portrait >>"

- Lizabeth
Client 2

"Melanie, Thank you, It's perfect and exactly what I wanted. I cant wait to recieve the drawing
Thank you so much for the drawing."

- Josh
Client 3

"Tracey drove a number of hours to our studio with her dog Moo to collect her portrait! View Moo's Pencil Portrait >>"

- Tracey

"Dear Melanie, Firstly I must apologize as I have been meaning to leave you a testimonial, but sadly life has been difficult since you did the montage portrait for me, for my partner Steve and his beloved Gyp!!! Not only did you complete it at fairly short notice for me, it was absolutely AMAZING !!!! Never before or since have I seen anyone's work as good as yours, you absolutely caught his soul and character and I have to say brought a tear to Steve's eye when he opened the pressie up !!! He has pride of place above the fireplace and brings us joy everyday !!!!! I always recommend you whenever anyone asks and will continue to do so, please feel free to copy and paste this on your site as we are so grateful for what you did for us, thank you xxxxxx"

- Nikki and Steve"
Client 2

"Vicky Emmett commented on Facebook.
Vicky wrote: "Such a beautiful montage of our boys! Melanie and Nicholas are such a lovely and talented couple :-)"

- Vicky Emmett
Client 3

"Melanie it is wonderful. You have captured my boys so perfectly. I will endeavour to get a photo with the boys in it. It may take a while as sitting still isn't their strong point! Thanks again."

- Vicky Emmett
Client 2

"Hi Melanie, I just wanted to let you know that Meg's portrait arrived safely this morning. I'm almost speechless at the likeness to her. It is superb. I could make a list of superlative words and none of them would be good enough to describe what you have created. Losing Meg after almost 19 years was awful but her portrait feels as close as it can be to having her still with us.Thank you once again. Sending my kindest regards and best wishes to yourself and Nicholas. xx"

- Helen
Client 3

"Melanie,The portrait of Webster just arrived. The portrait is beautiful!"

- Christie Chandler

"Hello Melanie,
This is Ivar! Great work! Now, I would like to commission you to do my daughter’s lab called Djeen as a 10x8 pencil portrait, also as a Christmas present.
Thank you Melanie, Djeen's portrait is great. My daughter will love it.
All the best."

- David
Client 2

"View Pixie and Boots' Portrait and the lovely testimonial on their page in my Pencil Portraits Gallery >> "

- Pixie
Client 3

"Take a look at Arthur’s webpage for lots more information - Labrador Pet Portraits >>"

- Arthur

"Hi Mel,I LOVE it!!! Looks fantastic - can't wait to see it in reality!Is it also possible to have no hint that it's a sketch or picture on the packaging as it may be intercepted on route! Thanks so much Mel, I hope you now get a well deserved break for Christmas! Best wishes for a happy Christmas!

- Ruth Colson"
Client 2

"Hi Melanie, A great success lily loves it and so does Josephine!"

- Sue
Client 3

"Hi, Melanie, Biscuit's portrait arrived safe and sound. Thanks for making the entire process so easy. The portrait looks just like our dear Biscuit in all poses. Wish I could go outside right now and toss his hamburger squeaky toy to him. Thanks for everything."

- Pat

"Hi Melanie,
Just to let you know that we are absolutely delighted with the portrait of Kim that you have done for us. It really captures her likeness and her personality. I have attached a couple of photo’s taken of the picture now we have had it framed, although in the photo the picture is not on the wall we have it hung on normally as there was to much light reflecting off it.
Once again thanks for an excellent portrait."

- Neil Mandam
Client 2

"Hi Melanie, We managed to have the portrait of Padstow framed in time for Christmas and are over the moon with it. We really can't thank you enough for what you have done, it is perfect and we still can't get over how much of a true likeness it is to Padstow and the way you have captured his expression.Friends and family have been so very impressed with your drawing and all have said how perfectly you captured Padstow's look. Even Pumpkin climbed on the sofa and spent five minutes looking at your picture and it really held her attention, we thought she had forgotten him but there was definitely some interest in the picture.Once again many many thanks"

- Claire
Client 3

"Iwan loved the portrait!!! He was so shocked and couldn't believe that I was able to keep it all a secret!! I'm definitely in his good books at the moment!! Everyone that has seen it, can't believe how well you've captured them!! Thank you so much"

- Esyllt & Iwan

"Hello Melanie and Nicholas,
The portrait turned up last weekend but we did not have the big unveiling until Christmas Day when everyone was here and everyone could not get over the likeness to the photo as it is perfect and Skye to a tee. Roger is over the moon and it has pride of place in the lounge right opposite where Roger sits so he can see it all the time. We had nine for Christmas Day and twenty for Boxing Day so it has been admired by many in just two days. From a delighted family."

- Sandra

Thank you for reading!

Thank you for reading some of my amazing testimonials. It really makes my job feel very special when I converse with my clients and hear from then once they have received their drawings. Even more so when they send photo. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this page. If you would like to view more of my drawings, why not check out my latest pencil drawings gallery at the link below.

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